Clàudia was born in Barcelona in 1969, and has been an artist since 1991.
Her art has been exemplified by paintings, engravings, sculptures, photographs, video art pieces, DJ performances and Sound Art. And creative writing.
As of 2021, Clàudia holds a PhD in Audiovisual Communication.
As of 2023, Clàudia holds a Master on Sound Art.

Below a collection of some of her most recent exhibitions and performances ↓
In 2024 commissions Cronolgia d'una pinzellada at Fórum Berger-Balaguer in Vilafranca del Pendés. Presents Una Partitura Eivissenca in Ibiza during the Can Art fair. Self-publishing of the book of poems “Impressions Poètiques”.
In 2023 presents Una Partitura Eivissenca at the Loop Festival in Barcelona.
In 2023 Premi Agbar finalist.
In 2023 comissions Vives Fierro Olor de Trementina at Palau Robert in Barcelona.
In 2023 presents Una Partitura Andorrana at Biennal Internacional Landart in Andorra
In 2023 Vila Casas Photography Prize finalist.
In 2022 she presents a la vida cal que ballar-la at ODTalamana in Ibiza.
In 2022 she presents #womenartists at Lab36 Gallery in Barcelona.
In 2021 winner on NFT'sART. Call for Crypto Art for digital artists. Curator Marisol Salanova.
In 2021 she presents Water an Sound Art piece for the installationThe Good Man working with Equipo Risus in Espai Micus in Ibiza.
In 2020 she shows her last video art piece at Espacio Cómplices in Madrid.
In 2019 she is a finalist in the FADArt Awards.
In 2019 she presents her work at Jorge Alcolea Gallery in Barcelona.
In 2019 she presents the book "Atención Desayunos" in collaboration with Belén Astorga.
In 2019 she shows her work at the Flic Festival of Illustration.
In 2018 presents her first documentary "Pater" at Filmoteca de Catalunya and the Begur International Film Festival.
In 2018 presents "Insert Coin" at the International Art Fair SWAB.
In 2018, she exposes Hybrid Art Fair in Madrid.
In 2017, she exposes in Utopia Market in Barcelona.
In 2016 she exposes in Galeria Àgora 3 in Sitges.
In 2015, she exposes in the Sala d'Art El Quatre de Barcelona.
In 2014, she shows her work in the Sala de Exposiciones de St. Francesc, in Formentera. She participates, as well, in the Under the Subway Videoart Festival of New York.
In 2012, she exposes in the premises of Mise en Scène, in Barcelona; she proceeds by exposing later on that year, in the Galeria Berri in Ibiza.
In 2011, she shows her work in the Galería Hartmann of Barcelona, and the Galería Agora, of Sitges.
In 2009, she received the URL2009 Award in the painting category.
From 2003 to 2008 she was a member of the directing board of Futbol Club Barcelona.
In 2007, she exposes in the Galería Hartmann of Barcelona, and the Galería Berri in Ibiza.
In 2005, she shows her art in the Gran Hotel la Florida de Barcelona, and participated in the Feria InArt of Gerona.
In 2004, she exhibit in Andorra and Fontanals of Cerdanya.
In 2003, she exposes in the Galería Hartmann of Barcelona, and participates in the Fair LOOP of Video Art.
In 2002, she exposes in the Galería Gonzalo Oliván, in Sitges; as well as, in the Galería Nova3, in Sabadell..
In 2001, she shows her work in the Galería Arita Art, Andorra, and also in the Casino in Puigcerdà.
In 2000, she exposes in the Galería Ismes, in Vilanova i la Geltrú.
In 1999, she exoposes in the Galería Pretexto of Barcelona and in the Galería Carme Torrellardona, in Andorra.
In 1998, she shows her work in the Room of exhibitions in the BBVA, Barcelona; in the Galería Agora, in Sitges, and also in Espai 13 of the Miró's Foundation.
In 1997, she exposes in Art 16, in Olot, as well as she exposes in the Galería Andorra Art and in the Gremio de Coleccionistas in Barcelona.
In 1996, she exposes in the Sala Parés, In Barcelona, and in the Galería Ismes, which is located in the Vilanova i la Geltrú.
In 1995, she shows her work in the Galería Palma XII, in Vilafranca del Penedés.
In 1994, she exposes in the Galería Jordi Barnadas, in Barcelona.
In 1993, she exposes in the Galería Comas, in the Galería Agora, in Sitges and in the Fundación La Caixa, in Andorra.
In 1991, she shows her work for the first time in the room Up&Down, in Barcelona.
She has also been part of more than 40 other collective exhibitions.